Monday, July 1, 2019

Kayak Fish Strand

Xmas special seaflo sf1007 fishing kayak is now available in orange or grey . also available are paddles, roof racks, anchors, fishing rods etc. hurry while stocks last.visit make kayaking affordable.exclusively available at the man cave. contact ronny 0828641777 visit our showroom in the strand... Hi guys i am a newbie to kayak fishing and live in strand cape town!! just bought myself a mozam fishing kayak i need a bit of advice on where to fish , bait, rigs ect ect and maybe buddy up with a few guys to go out and do a bit of fishing. Kayak fishing, strand today i took a kayak fishing course and it was great! surfing the waves with the kayak was awesome, had one really good ride on a wave that took me several hundreds of meters..

Today on tips with ty southerland from 30milesout kayak fishing tv. ty shows you how he makes his kingfish leaders with berkley 7 strand wire.. Kayak fishing south africa. kayak fishing in south africa has become a huge sport continuously growing. kayaks have been modernised and adapted to catch big fish off the kayak and now consist of accessories such as fish finders, gps systems, rod holders, anchor trolleys and even live bait containers.. Seaflo kayaks available at the man cave. we are situated in southside center on the corner of george street and gordon's bay road in strand. we sell kayaks, stand up boards, sups, paddles, fishing gear, etc..

kayak fish strand