This web page is dedicated to building an optimist plywood pram to the specifications of the original optimist pram designed in 1947. we are using a set of plans redrawn by cabbs - cleveland amateur boat builders and available for $24.00. these wonderful little boats will never measure to the strict international optimist design.. 1.2 the optimist is a one-design class dinghy. except where these rules specifically per-mit variations, boats of this class shall be alike in hull form, construction, weight and weight distribution, rigging spars and sail plan. note: in deciding whether an item is permitted it should be noted that, in a one-design. There are no plans for the club racer, only a kit which includes detailed building notes. clark mills did not copyright his design of the optimist. both mr. mills' design and the new version of the ioda wood/epoxy boat are available on line..
Dingy sailboat stock illustration. illustration of
Optimist pram 1948 | dinghy plans | pinterest
Optimist boat | - images galleries with a
International optimist dinghy association. south africa’s matt ashwell wins barclays optimist african championship. read more 2018 asian & oceanian championship documentary video. read more 2018 ioda events. see all events. ioda events 2019. featured events. all events.. Optimist plans: you can purchase your plans from the 'international optimist dinghy association'. email: website: this will get you a booklet and a set of plans to build the optimist.. Links to boat plans, some free boat plans and designs, links to boat plans, many free boat plans, boat building information including plywood stitch and glue. full range of boat plans from sophisticated yachts to plywood..
Optimist Dinghy Plans